Российская ассоциация историков Первой мировой войны

E. Yu. Sergeev, President of the Russian Association of the First World War Historians


E. Yu. Sergeev, President of the Russian Association of the First World War Historians

International round table

«The First World War memorials: shared history, shared memory»

The international round table “The First World War memorials: shared history, shared memory” took place on April 8-10, 2011, at the village of Kostrino, the Velikobereznyanskiy district, the Zakarpattia region, within the territory of the Uzhansky National Park, the Republic of Ukraine. The President of the Russian Association of the First World War Historians (RAFWWH), doctor of historical sciences, Professor E. Yu. Sergeev participated in this academic forum.  

The event was arranged by the Public charitable endowment of A.I. Lisitsin, the former Governor of the Yaroslavl region and currently the State Duma deputy, together with the Scouts federation “Galitskaya Rus”, which has its headquarter in the city of Lviv. It is a part of the international volunteers project with the purpose to memorialize those who fell on 1914-1918 battlefields.  

The round table was widely covered in local mass-media. The participants of the conference also received messages of greetings from the diplomatic missions of Russia and East European countries, as well as from hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

It should be mentioned that the program of the round table consisted of not only proceedings of the representatives of scouting societies and movements from Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Austria, but also presentations of projects of creation or restoration of military honor memorials on the First World War battlefields. Besides, participants went to the village of Volosyanka at the the Uzhotsky pass, where they laid wreaths to the monument to the fallen Russian soldiers, and also visited a field camp of scouts executing works on cleaning war necropolis.

It is noteworthy that participants of the round table were foreign consuls and military attaches of Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, as well as local administration officials and local historians from the scientific centers of Kiev, Lviv, Ternopol, Lutsk and Uzhgorod. 

The RAFWWH President E. Yu. Sergeev delivered the report “Current problems of studying the First World War and responsibilities to maintain war memorials” in which he brought into focus the public prominence of integrating efforts of state authorities, public organizations, academic and experts community and youth movements in the process of restoring memory on the Great War and its translation to the next generations.  

It was announced on the round table that there are two workshop conferences that would be jointly held by Russian and Ukrainian historians and public organizations in commemoration of 95th anniversary of the 1916 victorious offensive of the South Western Front forces, known as the Brusilov Offensive. It is planned that they will take place in early June and September being intended to coincide the beginning and the end of the Brusilov Offensive and held in Lutsk and Kiev, respectively.

The RAFWWH members are invited to participate in these international forums.

The round table ended up with passing of a resolution that envisaged further concrete steps to prepare for the celebration of the First World War centennial.    

We hope that RAFWWH will be one of the most active participants of this preparation.

Автор: E. Yu. Sergeev | Дата добавления: 2012-02-01 | Просмотров: 2238

Издания ассоциации

Первая мировая война, Версальская система и современность

Чичеринские чтения. «Революционный 1917 год»: поиск парадигм общественно-политического развития мира.

От противостояний идеологий к служению идеалам: российское общество в 1914-1945 гг.: Сб. ст. / под ред. М.Ю. Мягкова, К.А. Пахалюка. М., 2016.
